Children Attend Event as 'Little Architects' Ahead of Int'l Children's Day in Xi'an

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Children Attend Event as 'Little Architects' Ahead of Int'l Children's Day in Xi'an

 May 30, 2022
Children learn about metering at a construction site in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, May 28, 2022. Under the guidance of professionals, more than 20 children attended the event as "little architects" ahead of the upcoming International Children's Day. During the event, the kids learned architectural knowledge and experienced the work of architects and construction workers. [Xinhua/Li Yibo]


A boy learns to bind up steel bars under the guidance of a professional at a construction site in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, May 28, 2022. Under the guidance of professionals, more than 20 children attended the event as "little architects" ahead of the upcoming International Children's Day. During the event, the kids learned architectural knowledge and experienced the work of architects and construction workers. [Xinhua/Li Yibo]


Children experience bricklaying under the guidance of a professional at a construction site in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, May 28, 2022. Under the guidance of professionals, more than 20 children attended the event as "little architects" ahead of the upcoming International Children's Day. During the event, the kids learned architectural knowledge and experienced the work of architects and construction workers. [Xinhua/Li Yibo]


A boy learns mortar mixing under the guidance of a professional at a construction site in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, May 28, 2022. Under the guidance of professionals, more than 20 children attended the event as "little architects" ahead of the upcoming International Children's Day. During the event, the kids learned architectural knowledge and experienced the work of architects and construction workers. [Xinhua/Li Yibo]


(Source: Xinhua)


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